Wednesday, March 12, 2008

the 8th day

today we had a speaker come in. He was an Uganda refugee. he talk about how he had to live a life to come live in the U.S.A. because of the rebels that took power. then he fled Kenya, the country he fled to, and went into Italy where he had 3 sisters. then from there is where he went into San Diego.

the 7th day

on the seventh day we began to work on are finial product. for are finial product my group is making a slide show. first Vincent tried to make it but then his computer froze. it took all the way to lunch. then i began to work on the movie and i spent the rest of the day it took a long time i had had to load stuff on to it and stuff. then it crash and we lost all the work that we had done today it sucked.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

the 6th day

today we went to gombers chater middle school or gcms. gcms once was a ghetto school where kids go beat up and people would bring their older brother to beat kids up and stuff. but then they became a charter school. they once had teachers 18 teachers that would miss every day of school trying to find new work. when they became a charter school they had the power to fire teachers and that's what they did then they got new teachers that where more motivated to be their. kids used to be able to beat people up but then they did something to stop that from happening. they used to had boards that would separate kids so they could nod attack each other but then they took those down forcing the kids with more trust and more reliability.

Friday, March 7, 2008

day 5

today we did a diaper drive. my group went to VONS. we did not get many diapers but we did get lots of money that we used to buy more diapers. we had many people who did not want to give us any diapers. this part of the day mad me kinda mad because i did not like it when people where mean to me and it hurt. some people where nice and funny about it like one person said do i look like i need diapers.
we where collecting diapers to help homeless mothers who could not afford diapers. saint vincent de pauls. they needed diapers because they are kinda expensive and they wanted to spend their money on something else.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

the fourth day

today we went to the wild animal and learned about the effects of the wild fires on the ecosystem.
the fires burned the land. Only two animals died but many plant died that supplied food for the animals. the trailer that had all the records of pipe lining of the park was burned. many animals where evacuated although some where not yet they still survived because of the design of the park. i think they really thought through many different problems and possibilities. i think that shows a large amount of smartness on their behalf. it took about 4 minuets to get each bird and get them into a truck to get them away. i think that shows a good ability to do things. we plated trees by going to an area behind an African exhibit by this big truck thing. we then dug 4 in wide holes. then we planted the trees then we put dear guard. then we put mulch on around the tree.

day 3

i was not here because i was sick

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

the secound day

today me and ten people went to saint vinecent de pauls. i was really moved because i use to think that homeless people where homeless because of their on mis decisions but it turns out it was really a mental disorder. we also gave out blankets and sandwiches to people who need them. i gave a blanket and sandwich to a person who it was the first time being homeless and she was very thankful. it really moved me. she said that she had been just getting by and she did not have apartment then she was laid off and she could no longer afford her apartment.